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Other things.


I have worked on a lot of projects. Here are a few examples. 

Top: When the Kindle Fire launched we conceived and white-labeled the first 25 or so ads for the locking screen.

Below: Genre-based illustrations for Google Music, Pickleball branding comps for TORQ, Aldus magazine art direction and writing, American Film magazine art direction, Google products home page, Pixel 3 print ad, Aldus packaging / UI art direction, and aa Samsung London Olympics app. Ask me about any of these, they each have an interesting story.

Google Music, Facebook
Google Music, Facebook
Google Music, Facebook
Google Music, Facebook
TORQ, retro logo
TORQ, retro logo, applied
TORQ, grid logo
TORQ, grid logo, applied
Google Product Page
Google Hub video, doorbell
Pixel 3, magazine cover shot with camera campaign, print
Aldus Magazine, art direction
Aldus packaging/UI art direction
American Film, Art Direction
AFI magazine, Andy Warhol and joint cover
Scorese, Sutherland with my cover
American Film, Art Direction
Samsung torch-passing-game
Barclay's in-bank app
Samsung, Olympic Guide, London

© 2024 digital advertising, web design, and analytics.

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